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About Tommies


Who we are

Every day, Tommies makes every effort to prove that snacking can be healthy, very tasty and very easy. Snack vegetables help anyone to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. So we do everything we can to breed and grow the most tasty high-quality mini vegetables. You can taste that, but you can also infer it from the innovations and product and packaging developments in which are a real trendsetter. And so we should be, because we were the very first to introduce snack tomatoes in the Netherlands fifteen years ago. Tommies is the pride and joy of Greenco, the parent organisation of the successful snack vegetables.

200 grams
of vegetables

Cheerful vitamins
for every day

Two hundred grams of vegetables and two pieces of fruit. With this widely known slogan we are all encouraged to eat more fruit and vegetables. We want to show that a healthy lifestyle can make you feel really good. That’s why we like to explain what vegetables can mean to you, besides why they are good for you. Information that’s really of use to you. About the nutrients and their benefits, and about times when you could eat the vegetables. This we do in a way that will have a different positive effect on you, by conjuring up a smile.

Quite organic

Sustainably grown

The farmers who grow Tommies are deeply rooted in the cultivation of tomatoes. With their dozens of years’ experience and by constantly following market and technological developments the Tommies growers are able to guarantee the highest quality standards. Clean, sound cultivation methods ensure vegetables with the very best taste and the lowest impact on the environment. By using biological crop protection with insects and minimising their energy consumption the growers aim to ensure sustainable production.



Bij het hoofdkantoor van Tommies is ook Tomatoworld te vinden. Dit is een permanente tentoonstelling over het belang van de Nederlandse glastuinbouw. Met de belangrijkste smaakmaker, de tomaat, in de hoofdrol Hier wordt duidelijk hoe de tuinbouw bijdraagt aan welvaart, gezondheid en duurzaamheid. Tomatoworld bestaat uit een demonstratiekas van ruim 1500 m2 bestemd voor permanente teelt van 50 tot 80 verschillende tomatenrassen. De overige 500 m2 is ingericht als moderne tentoonstellings- en congresruimte. Tomatoworld is een aantrekkelijk en uniek adres voor excursies, educatieve dagtrips, presentaties, vergaderingen of lezingen.

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